Hey guys! Hope you are all well!
This past year has been the most challenging year of my life to date. Almost every norm has been broken and remade. But a few things have stayed consistent: God, my family and close friends and Jiu-Jitsu.
We had a friend, Ammara, visit our gym this past week. As a blue belt and talented photographer (all the pictures in this post are hers), she has the lucky job of traveling around and seeing the jiu-jitsu community at large both on the mat grappling and through her lens.
One thing that she said while she was visiting our Women's Class really rang true to me. Observing how she had been treated in her travels to different places around the country, she said there was a consistent welcoming feeling of family at the vast majority of the places she visited. Despite the different affiliations, there was a common bond that all jiu-jitsu practitioners seem to have, regardless of school and style.
This gives me a big warm fuzzy, and I will tell you why. Going through a divorce in the last year, I lost a lot of friends, not to mention the actual family members that I lost by breaking ties with my ex-husband. It was an extremely painful time in my life.
But I wasn't alone.
I have been quiet on this blog, but I never stopped training. A lot of times I walked into the gym like a ghost. I felt hollow. Wrung out. Mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted. But every time I came into the gym, I had a family of brothers and sisters who were there to make me laugh, to give me an ear to vent into or to hug me when I needed it. Some of them even had to slap some sense into me when I was threatening to get too crazy.

When you train Jiu-Jitsu, you share a lot more than just sweat and blood. You share life. I think that is why we feel that over-all sense of community that Ammara was talking about. I am thankful I am a part of that community. Thank you to everyone who has been there for me. You mean more to me than you know!!!
The jiu jitsu community is awesome. Great to see you posting again: I am massively looking forward to visiting next year! :D
Can, I can't wait! It will be an excellent adventure!!
I'm sorry to hear about the trials this year has held for you. I can completely relate to some of your statements. I've walked into training completely empty and almost ghost like. I've often walked through the doors thinking "If I can just make it onto the mat it will get better. My head will clear". That feeling of family you find on the mat and within the school is huge. My training partners are few yet the trust is so strong. I hope you continue to find strength in your bjj family! Thank you for sharing such a heartfelt post.
I love reading the hope and determination in your words. Keep us posted on all your new dreams; we are here for you, too!
very happy to hear from you again Allie. Welcome back.
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