The gi choke from guard was one of the first submissions I learned when I started BJJ, but it amazes me that there are still small details that I have missed up to this point. And, probably, in a another year's time I will notice even more.
I find that I really enjoy when Fabio goes over basic techniques sometimes because I always pick something up that gives me a better chance of actually finishing the technique in a live grapple.
Tonight, some of the details Fabio hit on were:
- using my top arm--the arm that grabs for the lapel first--to get in deep in their gi and break down their posture, turning their face to the side before I even get in my second arm.
- using my legs to bring the guy in, further breaking down his posture.
- getting my second arm in deeper by angling my torso to the opposite side a little bit, so I can reach my hand in deeper.
- Turning my wrists out so they press into the carotid arteries more.
- Bringing in my elbows as I go to finish AND bringing my head in close to their shoulder, closing all the space.
I think one reason why I sometimes don't finish gi chokes is because I rush to do them instead of working to get my hands in deep enough. If I am too shallow in my lapel grabs, then it becomes a matter of strength--me trying to pull the gi to block the arteries. When I do it right, there is no strength involved. My wrists are blocking he arteries even before I turn them out. And as soon as I turn them out, the person is tapping.
Because the gi choke is so common, I don't usually go directly for it. I get one hand in, then try to do something else and go for the choke if the opening comes. But I think that that quick switch is what ends up getting me. I am rushing to try to sneak my other hand in and am not getting it in deep enough. It's something to work on. :)
I am noticing that I am having problems finishing triangles again, both from guard and from mount. Ugh. I think I know what I am doing wrong. I keep forgetting to lift my hips up. I'm squeezing my knees, pulling their head down, their arm is in the right place. But I forget to hip up into them. Going to work on that too.
Details, details, details...
The Years in Review
2 weeks ago
Oh my gosh...I have the same problem with triangles. They used to be my bread and butter, and now I don't know what happened but I can't finish them any more! Talk about frustrating.
Yeah, I keep thinking I should be working chokes more, as I'm small. Have you tried the arm-wrap/overhook choke at all? That's one of my current projects (I've been trying it for a long time, but only got a chance to do some focused drilling recently), especially as I've hurt my leg so want to drill stuff that is mainly arms. ;)
I used to work chokes all the time then I lost my way to arm bars. I've recently returned to chokes after Ryron Gracie told me that if I am not getting arm bars its because I am not attacking with chokes enough.
p.s. - overhook choke is sick
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